Are you struggling to find purpose and meaning in your life?

Do you feel like you're stuck in a repetitive cycle that does not bring you any joy?

Are you looking for a way to grow and live to your full potential?

Then, we invite you to join us on a journey toward spiritual, mental, and emotional vitality.

We believe that vitality is more than just a capacity for survival. It is the power to grow and live beyond life's difficult circumstances and experience peace, joy, and freedom.”

Sonya Auston

“As a spiritual life coach with 35 years of experience, I help women embrace vitality and equip them to live lives of perseverance and victory that reflects Jesus Christ.”

Critical Care Coaching

  • This coaching module is designed for women who need critical care for themselves in their marriages.

    Over the course of three months, you'll receive stabilization, emotional support, and accountability as you work towards healing and self care to be the best you can be while working to restore your relationship.

    You'll learn anger management solutions, communication skills with narcissistic spouses, and how to implement biblical principles to live without offense or purposely offending.

    You will receive a schedule for prayer, have access to a weekly group call and a monthly 45-minute one on one virtual coaching session with a coach to discuss your specific needs.

Name 2

  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

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  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

“Through powerful teaching and thought-provoking conversations, we will help you customize a plan to navigate your pain points, so, you can change the narrative of your life's story for good.”

We understand that the journey toward spiritual, mental, and emotional vitality can be challenging.

A close community of sisterhood is an essential element of our coaching. This offers a safe and supportive environment where you can be vulnerable with other women to find encouragement, support, and transformation.

The Results

When women embrace vitality, they experience many positive outcomes:

  • They gain a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

  • They are better equipped to handle life’s difficulties and become more resilient.

  • They also experience increased joy, peace, and laughter.

  • They develop a deeper understanding of biblical principles and how to apply them.

Women who embrace vitality are able to overcome negative patterns of thinking and replace them with positive uplifting truths. They develop stronger relationships with others and are better able to support their families and communities.

The First Step Toward Embracing Your Vitality

Contact us to schedule a free 30 minute consultation to privately discuss your unique needs.